Schedule of Rates

FacilityBot helps you work better with agreed prices from your pre-approved vendors. Vendors easily quote items of work from the Schedule of Rates and FacilityBot helps you manage quote approvals and track expenditures from each Schedule of Rates.

Easily configure Schedules of Rates

As a Facility Manager, you may have already agreed on a list of prices with your pre-approved vendors. FacilityBot allows you to easily import these prices. When the pre-approved Vendor is assigned to Requests, he can then select the appropriate line item and quantity as a quick quote.

Automate workflows when quotes are submitted

FacilityBot can automate workflows after pre-approved vendors submit their quotes from the Schedule of Rates. Expenditure requests can be automatically emailed to approvers based on cost thresholds. Expenditure data from each Schedule of Rates can also be analyzed.

The Schedule of Rates Feature is available FREE with any subscription plan

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