QR Code Fault Reporting

Create unique QR codes through which Requestors can report faults and make service requests

Create unique QR Codes by selecting the form and location or asset

FacilityBot allows the creation of unique QR codes for each location or asset. Therefore, when the Requestor scans the QR code, the location tag or asset ID would be pre-populated. Admins can also select the form that should appear when the QR code is scanned. The form could be a fault report form, any custom service request form, or a standardized form such as the toilet feedback form.

Scan and Report

With FacilityBot's QR code web forms feature, making fault reports or service requests could not be easier for Requestors. Requestors simply scan the QR code, fill up the web form and submit. If the Requestor email is requested in the web form, FacilityBot can also automatically update Requestors of the request status via email.

The QR Code Web Forms feature is available in all plans

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